Wednesday, March 25, 2009

One Day At a Time!!!!

Ok Friends, we have been at this weight loss/behavior change thing for 8 weeks now and some of us have seen the scale go down. However, some of us still have not seen the results that we wanted, but please don't give up and don't despair! It is important to remember that every one's body is different and everyone is going to lose weight at different speeds. It is also important to remember that healthy weight loss takes time (not what you want to hear, I know!) but the time is worth it. In the end you will be happier, healthier, have more energy, and most importantly you will keep the weight off!

Now, there are still 4 more weeks to go - if you have missed weigh-ins that's okay, recommit yourself and come back. If you have not lost the amount of weight you thought you would, that's okay, recommit yourself and keep coming. If your doing good, Keep Up The Great Work and keep coming and help support your fellow contestants!

Remember: You Can Do This - Rome Was Not Built in a Day - Take One Day At A Time!

The principle is competing against yourself. It’s about self-improvement, about being better than you were the day before. – Steve Young

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