Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Understanding Your Body Composition

During your initial weigh in and assessment we measured your "Body Composition". You should have received a printout that looks similar to this: 
This printout has a lot of information that can help you make wise decisions when it comes to weight loss. The most important thing when it comes to weight loss is what type of weight are you losing. Are you losing water weight, muscle or fat? Losing water weight and muscle is not what you want to lose. Obviously, you want to lose fat mass which cannot be achieved the "cheater" way meaning large amounts of weight loss in a short period of time.

Proper weight loss requires a healthy BALANCED diet with a proper exercise regime. FAD DIETS are NOT the answer! We will measure your body composition several times during the competition to monitor your proper weight loss progress.

More detailed information about this printout can be found in your Exercise and Nutrition Habit Tracker (pg. 6-7). We will also provide additional information about Daily Caloric Intake based on your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) in the days following.

FYI: Your BMR can be found on this printout. Make sure you use the number next to the kcal NOT the kJ.

If you have more questions please contact me (Linsey Miller) with the Salt Lake Valley Health Department. I will be more than happy to explain your results and help you set up a weight loss plan.

Contact information:, or (385) 468-4058. You are also welcome to come talk to me at the weigh-in's. 

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