Monday, January 12, 2015

TOMORROW!!! Kickoff for the 2015 Weigh Biggest Loser Contest

Tomorrow night is the kickoff to the 2015 Weigh Biggest Loser Contest. Come join us in this years' contest to improve your health!

Kickoff will be held at the Gene Fullmer Recreation Center (8015 S. 2200 W.) from 5:30pm-8:00pm. You can come by anytime during the kickoff to complete your pre-assessment testing and pick up all the contest materials. DOORS WILL NOT OPEN BEFORE 5:30PM.

What to expect: 
*Anticipate the pre-assessments to take about 45 min. to 1 hour in order to complete.
When you arrive at Gene Fullmer you will go through six stations:
1- Check-in / Registration - Pick up contest packet
2- Weight - Weigh in for the your official starting weight
3- Body Composition - Body Fat percentage measured
4- Waist Circumference Measurement
5- Before Photo
6- Blood Pressure and Cholesterol Testing - *This station will take the longest so please be prepared to wait. 

Two ways to sign up:
1- Online at
2- Fill out a form found at and submit it to West Jordan City Hall Administration.

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